The successful on screen pair of Vijay Sethupathi and Nandita is all set to team up agian. Director Seenu Ramasamy who is directing 'Idam Porul Eval' with Vijay Sethupathi and Vishnu Vishal in lead roles has booked Nandita as the pair for Vijay Sethupathi. The pair's wonderful chemistry between them is evident in their previous movie 'Idharkuthane Aasaipattaai Balakumara' and it is also one of the major reasons for that movie's success. Right now 'Idam Porul Eval' team is camped in Kodaikanal for the shoots. It must be remembered that Manisha Yadav was earlier booked for this role but later she was removed by the director for various reasons. Yuvan Shankar Raja is composing the songs while Vairamuthu is penning the lyrics. Nandita will join this new team very soon!